Monday, February 29, 2016

Too tired to do much explaining. I'll state that in a perfect world my ideas would've been fantastic. The things I said I'd do were outrageous fantasy. I got up at 4:00 am on the 19th and pulled it all outside, set up main frame level, then put every piece of bed frame on main frame, went on to dove and that's where the illusion became apparent. With bed frame sides positioned perfectly with miters at front nothing with dove would line up, I had the bedframe done at 5:30 am and the dove took 4 hours. I got it after quite a bit of WTF... I started welding at 10:00 am and well... I'm a peculiar person I suppose some may say. I couldn't just weld without continually checking every piece for movement, oh the horror of imperfection is simply intolerable. I worked all day and until 1:00 am the 20th. Things have been pretty much a blur since then, I've worked on it one way or another since. I had an outside job scheduled with my work that had to be done so that drove me nuts. I'll update in more detail when I catch a mood. There is no end to what's enough. I ruined my press bed shaping the boarding handles (They had to be identical...) the boarding steps took a whopping 2 hours, couldn't have shin busters on MY trailer...I installed the lights I had today, also what WAS the plan, things change... I'm ordering more mini L.E.D.s right after this, and flood work lights, contemplating bed surface lights, either out of any conceivable way or dead center, flush without question... I put 3 per side under bed facing down on outside of wheels (tire issues resolved with glance in mirror) and it's evident 1 or 2 lights inside wheels would be logical... At any rate, here's the images... enjoy!

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